Methods of application Surface preparation Sandpaper and dust any imperfections with STUCCOMURO and apply 1 coat of FISSATIVO UNIVERSALE which should be correctly diluted with water at a ratio of 1:5 up to 1:10 according absorption of the surface. Leave to dry for at least 4 hours and apply 1 or 2 coats of PRIMER S, which is special slightly rough either white or slightly colored, correctly diluted ( consult the Technical data sheet) leaving 4 to 5 hours between each coat. (photo 1). Application Spread a layer of ZEPHYRO with a SPALTER DECORA’ tool on the surface (photo n.2) ) by using irregular movements like cris crossing brush marks (photo n.3). The brush marks can also be vertical, horizontal or oblique it all depends on the finish you wish to obtain. 1 coat of ZEPHYRO is normally sufficient in order to a perfect coverage of the surface. The ZEPHYRO finish can be clearly seen when the entire surface has completely dried about 4 to 5 hours after the application Colouring and Packaging ZEPHYRO SILVER BASE & ZEPHYRO GOLD BASE: packaging of Lt. 2,5 ARTHE CONCENTRATO: packaging of ml.70 Each color in our color chart has been divided into 4 different shades, each one corresponds to a letter E, F, G, H, in order to obtain the desired color add in 2,5 Lt. di ZEPHYRO SILVER BASE o ZEPHYRO GOLD BASE the quantity of ARTHE CONCENTRATO according to the following chart:
Art. ...E
Art. ...F
Art. ...G
Art. ...H
Add 3X70 ml.
Add 1X70 ml.
AAdd (*) 22 ml
Add (*) 8 ml
(*): the amount obtainable with the syringe measure which is available from us. Varying the dosage of ARTHE CONCENTRATO, allows you get an unlimited range of colours ZEPHYRO can also be colored by using GLOBAL TINTING SYSTEM by SPIVER. Yield: ZEPHYRO 10 square meters per /Lt. per coat