METHODS OF APPLICATION Surface preparation Apply one coat of Spiver Primer RV, which adheres well on cement, ceramic and hard wall board ,(photo n.1) with a paint brush on a perfectly level smooth and clean surface. Application Let it dry for at least 24 hours and apply the first coat of TRAVERTINO with a stainless steal float covering the entire surface evenly (photo n.2); before it is completely dry apply the second coat of TRAVER TINO (photo n .3) and immediately go over the surface with a sponge Roller in order to create a crisping effect (photo n.4). Then with a stainless steel float create the smooth part of TRAVERTINO as is clearly illustrated in (photo n.5) leave it to set for about 5 minutes and then with a special “giapponese” flat trowel go over the entire surface scratching in horizontal directions in order to obtain the TRAVERTINO finish desired (photo n.6). When the entire surface has been completed go back over it pressing it with a perfectly clean stainless float in order to shine only the smooth parts of the surface (photo n.7). After 24 hours apply 1 coat of ARTHE CERA coloured with a sponge or a sponge float (photo n.8) and straightaway give it a shine. Packaging and colouring CTRAVERTINO: Lt.14, Lt. 4,67 ARTHE CERA: Lt.4, Lt.0,750. ARTHE CONCENTRATO: Ml.600, ml.70. TRAVERTINO COLOURING Each article in our colour chart is divided into 4 different grades, each one corresponds to a letter A, B, C, D. To obtain the colour desired add the quantity of ARTHE CONCENTRATO indicated in the chart below to14 Lt.of Travertino |
Art. ...A
Art. ...B
Art. ...C
Art. ...D
Add 3X600 ml.
Add 1X70 ml.
Add 3X70 ml.
Add 1X70 ml.
Varying the dosage of ARTHE CONCENTRATO, allows you get an unlimited range of colours ARTHE CERA COLOURING Each article in our colour chart is divided into 4 different grades, each one corresponds to a letter E, F, G, H. To obtain the colour desired add the quantity of ARTHE CONCENTRATO indicated in the chart below to 4 Lt.of ARTHE CERA.
Art. ...E
Art. ...F
Art. ...G
Art. ...H
Add 3X70 ml.
Add 1X70 ml.
Add (*) 22 ml.
Add (*) 8 ml.
(*): the amount obtainable with the syringe measure which is available from us. Varying the dosage of ARTHE CONCENTRATO, allows you get an unlimited range of colours. Yield: Travertino: 1,4 Lt./mq Arthe Cera: 15 mq /Lt