
Лаки для дерева на водной основе

HIDROWOOD saturating - water-based acrylic finish
High penetrating power, anti-woodworm and anti-fungus.

paintbrush, roller, spray.
Dilution: max 5% on smooth supports, up to 20% on rough supports.
Real yield: 10 - 12 m/litre for each coat, according to the porosityof the support.
  Safety data sheet
HIDROFLATTING LUCIDA water-based gloss acrylic flatting paint for wood
Suitable for both interiors and exteriors, this product is non-filming and UV rays-proof.

Application: paintbrush, roller, spray.
Dilution: ready for use, max 2 - 3% with water.
Real yield: 10 - 12 m/litre for each coat.
  Safety data sheet
HIDROFLATTING SATINATA water-based satin acrylic flatting paint for wood
Suitable for both interiors and exteriors, this product is non-filming and UV rays-proof.

Application: paintbrush, roller, spray.
Dilution: ready for use, max 2 - 3% with water.
Real yield: 10 - 12 m/litre for each coat.
 Safety data sheet